This Is What Happens When You Grow Up In A Haunted House

I have one foot firmly enough on ground to know it sounds crazy — but only one foot. The other half of me believes.

I think houses have spirits.

That’s why it’s important to do your chores and clean up. It shows them you care about and appreciate them, and that changes the energy they radiate back at you.

Not like they have veins and a lymphatic system tucked in between the HVAC unit. It’s an extension of that feeling you get when you’re a kid and your stuffed bear feels sad if he falls off the bed in the middle of the night.

And not like houses are necessarily haunted with the spirits of deceased humans. I think a house, itself, can be a d-bag.

I don’t believe houses are alive, per se. But they’re definitely not dead.

I know this because I used to live in a mean one.

Source: Huffington Post
