The 5 Ghosts You’re Most Likely to See

Not everyone gets to see a ghost (spirit, apparition) in his or her lifetime, but if you do, there are 5 times it’s most likely to happen.

An earlier study by Greeley (1976) found that 31% of people surveyed in the U.S. felt that they had been in contact with someone that had died. In Europe, the number was 25% (Haraldsson & Houtkooper 1991).  This left Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson (2012) wondering how many people today believed that they had seen or felt the presence of someone that had died.

Haraldsson decided to undertake an extensive study, interviewing 450 people, to find out their experiences seeing, hearing, or feeling those that have passed on (that is, ghosts). It’s important to note that he included only experiences that occurred when the interviewee was awake (in other words, dream appearances of spirits were not included). His work concluded that there are some common times when we are more likely to see or sense ghosts

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