America’s Most Haunted Places – Congelier House: The House the Devil Built

Have you ever been in a situation where the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention? Do you know what it feels like to experience the feeling that someone is watching you? These are all typical feelings when ghostly presences are close by. They suck the energy from the room, leaving a cold and dreary feeling. But, what about the ghosts that are nothing but pure evil? Some say that the evil energy that allowed a crime to happen never leaves a space. It is always there, tormenting whomever crosses its path.

The “Most Haunted House in America” is located at 1129 Ridge Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Built in 1871, the house’s horrid past no doubt is the reason behind the paranormal activity. The original owner of the home, Charles Wright Congelier, was having an affair with the maid. When his wife Lydia found out, she stabbed her husband and cut off his mistress Elsa’s head. This was a pretty grueling crime for that era, but the evil energy that lurked in that home never left.

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