Why Orbs in Pictures Are Not Proof of the Paranormal

There is an ongoing debate, or at least spirited discussion, among ghost hunters and paranormal investigators about the validity of orbs as paranormal evidence. Orbs are anomalous spots that sometimes show up in photographs. Most are white, some are multicolored; some look solid, others appear textured.
Many ghost hunters believe they are evidence of ghosts, that they are some kind of spirit or psychic energy manifesting as these glowing balls of light.
A growing number of researchers, however, are concluding that orbs are nothing more than dust particles illuminated by the camera flash. Actually, researchers will usually say that “most” such orbs are the result of dust, being reluctant to say that “all” are dust, leaving room for the possibility of a paranormal explanation.

Full Article: https://www.thoughtco.com/enough-with-the-orbs-already-2594045
