The True Origins of The Boogeyman

Most of us can easily recall being told scary stories as a child of a mysterious creepy figure called the Boogeyman that hides in the closet, or under the bed. During our formative years any bump in the night was attributed to this ghoul that seemed to lurk around every corner, but what are the true origins of the Boogeyman? Where did this universal tale come from?

Sometimes also spelled Bogeyman, or Bogieman, the word originates from the Middle English “bogge” which means hobgoblin. Another early origin can be traced back to the word “bugbear” which was once used to describe a goblin/scarecrow/bear mashup that hunted and ate small children. Almost every culture seems to have their own version of the creature with many different varieties of spelling but one tie that binds is the use of the story behind it as a tool to scare children into behaving.

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