10 Facts About Hungry Ghost Festival Because It’s Coming. Soon.

The Hungry Ghost Festival – known as the Ghost Month – is almost upon us. In another 2 weeks or so, we will be looking at the first day of the Ghost Month, aka the seventh month of the Chinese calendar, in the face.

Why so late this year, you might ask. This year, there are two Junes (or to be more specific, two sixth month) in the Lunar Calendar as it is a year with a leap month, so the exact date of the Hungry Ghost Festival is on 5 September 2017, while usually, it’s in the middle of August.

It is the month where the gates of Hell are thrown wide open and ghosts will steam out to visit the living realm.

Full Article: http://goodyfeed.com/10-facts-hungry-ghost-festival-coming-soon/

Image Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1052040/
