6 Cases of ‘Demonic Possession’ That Might Convince You

Movies featuring exorcisms like The Exorcist (1971) and The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) have thrilled audiences around the world, but do demonic possessions actually happen in real life? That’s proven to be a very difficult question to answer; the usual indicators of demonic possession are often explained away by skeptics as being attributable to natural phenomena. Beast-like voices from the allegedly possessed are said to be the result of an unusual utilization of the vocal cords, unnatural displays of strength are explained as bursts of energy due to adrenaline, and odd scratches and bite marks are often suspected to be self-inflicted – all signs of fraud or psychological disorders.

However, there are other documented manifestations of demonic possession that are not so easy to dismiss. These include those that involve multiple credible eyewitnesses reporting alleged possession victims displaying inexplicable behavior, such as levitating in the air, speaking languages they have never been exposed to, and revealing information that they could not have possibly been aware of.

Here are six well-documented cases of alleged possession that would make most people think twice before dismissing demons as fictional creations:
