Is This The Skeleton Of Legendary Devil Dog Black Shuck Who Terrorised 16th Century East Anglia? Folklore Tells Of SEVEN FOOT Hell Hound With Flaming Eyes
It roamed the countryside spreading death and terror – a giant, ferocious
hell-hound with flaming eyes and savage claws.
For centuries, the beast that came to be known as Black Shuck struck fear into the hearts of all who crossed its path.
Just a single glimpse was enough to impart a fatal curse; the briefest encounter sufficient to suck the life from any hapless victim.
One thing, however, has always been absent from the many tales of the dog-like entity and its sinister appearances in the East of England flatlands: A single fact.
Now that may be about to change with an answer to the question: Did it exist only in folklore ... or was it flesh and blood?
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For centuries, the beast that came to be known as Black Shuck struck fear into the hearts of all who crossed its path.
Just a single glimpse was enough to impart a fatal curse; the briefest encounter sufficient to suck the life from any hapless victim.
One thing, however, has always been absent from the many tales of the dog-like entity and its sinister appearances in the East of England flatlands: A single fact.
Now that may be about to change with an answer to the question: Did it exist only in folklore ... or was it flesh and blood?
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