The mid-1950s are riddled with tales of alien encounters and UFO crashes. Even though many of these sightings were spy planes and other anomalies, the mystery of the Flatwoods monster remains unsolved.
As the story goes, on the night of September 12, 1952, a group of local boys were playing outside in Braxton County, West Virginia when a strange red orb flew over their heads and crashed in a field. The startled boys ran to the nearby home of Kathleen May who grabbed a flashlight and accompanied them to the crash site.
When they finally found it, the group saw a faint red light and smelled a strong odor emitting from a weird spacecraft. According to Skeptical Inquirer, who investigates many of these strange stories:
“The light revealed a towering “man-like” figure with a round, red “face” surrounded by a “pointed, hood-like shape.” The body was dark and seemingly colorless, but some would later say it was green, and Mrs. May reported drape-like folds. The monster was observed only momentarily, as suddenly it emitted a hissing sound and glided toward the group. Lemon responded by screaming and dropping his flashlight, whereupon everyone fled.”
Source: Modern Notion
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