As sensible, scientifically minded grown ups, we all know that there are no monsters under our beds, right? Right?
Maybe not.
Maybe not.
In mildly horrifying news, it turns out that a whole host of movie monsters and legendary creatures do indeed stem from real life cases and there’s plenty of anecdotal and scientific evidence to prove it. Furthermore, a select few legends that originally had no scientific basis at all have actually gone on to inspire modern day copycats in chilling cases of self-fulfilling prophecy.
So, find a cushion to hide behind and then immediately abandon the cushion for a large melee weapon with which to defend yourself from these very real monsters. Upholstery and duck down can’t save you now but you’ve got a chance with a few stakes and perhaps a loaded pistol.
But perhaps the most terrifying truth of all is not just that these creatures could be out there right now. It’s that you could spontaneously become one of them yourself without warning. You’re not even safe in your own company anymore.
Sweet dreams.
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