Werewolves are a notoriously multifaceted species; no two sources agree on the nature of this beast. Do we believe in a ‘pack mentality’, that werewolves share the thoughts and feelings of humans as they swiftly carry out their moonlit tasks? Or are they savage creatures, only existing for the sake of ripping and tearing everything in sight into pieces? Some people believe werewolves exist, stalking through the night in search of their latest victim, while others are certain that werewolves and other night breeds are merely fiction. Should we pity those who claim the beast is merely fantasy? Or exonerate them, and perhaps secretly hope, that they’re right? Do werewolves exist only on the pages of fiction, or is there a monster lurking just outside your window, waiting for the right time to rip you and your family to shreds? The night is dark, and every noise, every snapping twig or disturbed leaf seems to signal a threat on its way to your very door. 

