4th Dimensional Entities and What You Can Do About Them

Whether we like it or not, entities are everywhere in the 4th dimensional field around us. If you’ve been drawn to read this article then I imagine you have already experienced the challenges that having entities in your field might bring.

It’s a bit of a taboo subject in western culture; one of those subjects where people are a bit concerned about being labelled as ‘crazy’ or ‘Xfiles-ish’, so I felt inclined to break the ice and bring a bit of light to the subject. I am not claiming to be the fountain of all knowledge on the subject, although I do have a lot of experience working with them directly as part of my role in the spiritual evolution arena.

The term ‘entity’ can be a bit confusing, so I’ll draw a brief outline before focusing on the entities that people usually mean. There are three main types of entities; 1. The earth-bound spirit 2. Higher dimensional beings and  3. The non-human negative entity. We’ll be primarily dealing with the latter category, although it feels helpful to introduce them all.

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