Cornfields with their mazes and wheat fields with their amber waves of grain get all of the publicity, but nothing much outside of Milagro seems to happen in beanfields. That changed recently when a man in Lima, Ohio, reported seeing a humanoid with “long ears” walking through his beanfield. While unusual, this is not the first humanoid sighting in a beanfield and the British made a big deal when the first crop circle appeared in one. Are we looking for cryptids and aliens in the wrong fields?
It went full sprint towards the bean field, scared the hell out of me. I only saw the back of it, but it had humans legs and ass. I could see the striations in its back, the thing was definitely muscular.
Cryptozoology News reports that the witness, who requested to remain anonymous, said the humanoid was 6 feet tall, had “what looked like grey or pink” skin and sported long ears “like a Doberman,” which probably means they were pointed upwards. He claimed he saw the “muscular as hell in a full stride” humanoid for 30 seconds before it disappeared, possibly into the woods next to the beanfield.
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It went full sprint towards the bean field, scared the hell out of me. I only saw the back of it, but it had humans legs and ass. I could see the striations in its back, the thing was definitely muscular.
Cryptozoology News reports that the witness, who requested to remain anonymous, said the humanoid was 6 feet tall, had “what looked like grey or pink” skin and sported long ears “like a Doberman,” which probably means they were pointed upwards. He claimed he saw the “muscular as hell in a full stride” humanoid for 30 seconds before it disappeared, possibly into the woods next to the beanfield.
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