An “alien from outer space” is an extraterrestrial. The Cambridge Dictionary defines extraterrestrial as “(coming from) outside the planet earth ”. If God created the Earth, that means He/She predates Earth. If He/She predates Earth then He/She cannot possibly originate from Earth. If God doesn’t originate from Earth then doesn’t that by definition make Him/Her extraterrestrial, i.e., an “alien from outer space”?
An “alien from outer space” is an extraterrestrial. The Cambridge Dictionary defines extraterrestrial as “(coming from) outside the planet earth ”. If God created the Earth, that means He/She predates Earth. If He/She predates Earth then He/She cannot possibly originate from Earth. If God doesn’t originate from Earth then doesn’t that by definition make Him/Her extraterrestrial, i.e., an “alien from outer space”?
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