Old buildings are traditionally the site of hauntings, but is it necessarily the structure itself that is haunted, or something from the site it occupies? How many new builds are, to use the phrase, born bad? This seemed certainly the case with a small block of flats built during the 1980s in Lancaster, capital of the Red Rose County.
They were erected in the Salt Ayre region of the city which had previously been farmland. Maria and Charles moved into one flat and both began having separate experiences which, at first, they kept from one another thinking it was delusion. Once they decided to confide with each other, they realised the experiences to be real as they were almost identical.
A dark shadow like figure had been seen in both the hallway and living room, which moved rapidly once sighted. Maria reported it as a full human shape, whereas Charles saw it only from waist up. But they both agreed the silhouette figure completely blocked out whatever it passed in front of.
Full Article: https://www.spookyisles.com/2017/11/haunted-lancaster-flats/
Full Article: https://www.spookyisles.com/2017/11/haunted-lancaster-flats/
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