Old Green Eyes

There are said to be many ghosts and spirits roaming the woods and fields of Chickamauga [Battlefield]. Rangers and visitors report many odd noises on the grounds, including sounds of men moaning and crying; shouts and screams when no one is present; and the sounds of horses galloping… where no horses ever appear, as well as a ghostly woman in white who wanders the battlefield looking for her long dead lover. But perhaps the most famous specter of all on the battlefield is “Old Green Eyes”. This mysterious entity was given this name by park visitors and rangers who have encountered him over the years.
Witnesses have reported the creature to be, not a slain soldier, but a beast which barely even resembles a person. The story also states that “Old Green Eyes” was present at Chickamauga long before the Civil War. Some accounts also claim that the monster was seen moving among the dead….and possibly eating bodies at a place called Snodgrass Hill after the battle was over.

Full Article: https://www.dekalbcountydispatch.com/old-green-eyes-by-columnist-bill-potter/
